0100 4000 0110 BASICS PC-TRACK 2.1 is a user friendly, simple-to-use satellite tracking package. It is designed to track up to 8 satellites simultaneously on an EGA Graphics screen using spherical and mercator projections. It allows easy input and maintenance of object and observer data. It can send predicted satellite positions and look angles to printer as desired. 0110 0100 0120 BASICS PC-TRACK 2.1 BASICS In order to do satellite tracking, PC-TRACK 2.1 requires data on the observation points and the objects to be tracked. The two SETUP options allow you to include all this information. - SETUP OBSERVERS - The SETUP OBSERVERS option allows you to maintain a file of observation points to be used in tracking with the information needed. 0120 0110 0130 BASICS (Continued) - SETUP OBJECTS - The SETUP OBJECTS option allows you to maintain a file of the objects to be tracked with the information required (see the SETUP OBJECT help screens for how to get the required information). Once at least one observation point and one object have been defined, tracking may be done by selecting the TRACK option from the MAIN MENU. After selecting the OBJECT and OBSERVER from those entered using the SETUP option, tracking begins. 0130 0120 1000 BASICS (Continued) - TRACKING - Track uses either the text or the EGA graphics screen. In graphics, 3D spherical or mercator projection maps are provided. Tracking may be done in real time and high speed. Current tracking information is shown both graphically and numerically for all objects being tracked. Track information may also be sent to a printer. Display of track data is also available on the Text screen for systems without EGA displays. 1000 0100 1100 SETUP The SETUP feature allows you to enter and organize all the infor- mation you need for tracking your satellites... The 2 options available are: => OBSERVER - Holds information on up to 100 observation points. => OBJECTS - Holds information on up to 100 objects. [FOR PC-TRACK 2.1 BASICS PRESS PGUP] 1100 1000 1101 SETUP OBSERVER This option allows you to enter and edit all the information you need for all the observation points to be used in tracking. The information needed is: - Description - Longitude - Latitude - Time Zone - Minimum Elevation - Height in feet above MSL This information is stored in a observer file which may contain up to 100 observers. 1101 1100 1110 SETUP OBSERVER (cont) ADDING AN OBSERVER [F2] Press the F2 key to add a new observation point to the file. DELETING AN OBSERVER(F3) Press the F3 key to remove an observation point from the file. EDITING AN OBSERVER Press PGUP or PGDN to select observation point to edit. 1110 1100 1120 SETUP OBSERVER [Description] This is a common name which will be meaningful to you when you see it later on the track screen. This description should be unique among all the observation points you have. This description will show up on the screen and in printouts whenever this observation point is used. This field may contain up to 30 characters. 1120 1110 1130 SETUP OBSERVER [Longitude] Longitude is given in degrees West, meaning the number given will be positive for West longitudes and negative for East longitudes. It is entered degrees and decimal degrees (84.325 for example). Longitudes must be entered in the range of 180 to -180 degrees. 1130 1120 1140 SETUP OBSERVER [Latitude] Latitude is given in degrees North, meaning the number given will be positive for North latitudes and negative for South latitudes. Like longitude, it is given in degrees and decimal degrees (34.21 for example). Latitudes must be entered in the range of 90 to -90 degrees. 1140 1130 1150 SETUP OBSERVER [Time Zone] This field defines which time zone the observation point is in. This is defined in hours from Greenwich Mean Time (Coordinated Universal Time). It is negative for West longitudes and positive for East longitudes. (EST IS -5, PST IS -8) West longitudes must be between -1 and -12 and East longitudes must be between +1 and +12. 1150 1140 1160 SETUP OBSERVER [Minimum Elevation] This field defines the minimum elevation the observer will be able to see the object above the horizon. Some locations may be surrounded by mountains or buildings which limit how low an object may be tracked. That is defined here. The minimum elevation is defined in degrees and decimal degrees and must be between 90 and -90. During tracking, azimuth/elevation data will be displayed only if the computed elevation is greater or equal to the stated value. 1160 1150 1200 SETUP OBSERVER [Height] This field defines the height of the observation point above Mean Sea Level (MSL). This number must be between -400 and 30000 Feet or between -121.92 and 9144 Meters. 1200 1100 1201 SETUP OBJECTS This option allows you to enter information about the objects. to be tracked. The information needed is: - Name - Epoch (Year, Day and Fraction of Day) - Decay Rate (Rev/day/day) - Inclination - Right Ascension - Eccentricity - Argument of Perigee - Mean Anomaly - Mean Motion - Revolution Number at Epoch 1201 1200 1202 SETUP OBJECTS [cont] - WHERE TO GET SATELLITE DATA - The data required for tracking may be received at no cost from NASA Project Operations Branch Code 513 Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Md. 20771 Ask for the current "SATELLITE SITUATION REPORT". 1202 1201 1203 SETUP OBJECTS [cont] The Satellite Situation Report lists almost every object currently in orbit. Each object is cataloged by the International Designation and by Catalog number. It also lists the name, launch date, orbital period in minutes, inclination, apogee, perigee, and transmitting frequency. By using this document you can determine the catalog numbers of the objects you wish to track with PC- TRACK. 1203 1202 1204 SETUP OBJECTS [cont] The information required by PC- TRACK is obtained by requesting the "NASA PREDICTION BULLETIN" for each of the objects desired, referenced by catalog number from the address given above. You may also request a package of prediction bulletins for certain catagories of objects such as weather or amateur radio satellites. 1204 1203 1210 SETUP OBJECTS [cont] ADDING AN OBJECT (F2) Press the F2 key to add a new object to the file. DELETING AN OBJECT (F3) Press the F3 key to remove an object from the file. EDITING AN OBJECT Press PGUP or PGDN to select object. Use the cursor keys to get to the field you wish to edit. 1210 1200 1215 SETUP OBJECTS [Name] This field should contain the common name for the object described. This name will appear on all screen displays and printouts to describe the object tracked. The name field may contain up to 20 characters. 1215 1210 1220 SETUP OBJECTS [Catalog Number] This is a 5 digit number assigned to each object in the Satellite Situation Report issued by Nasa. Enter this as a whole number between 0 and 99999. 1220 1215 1225 SETUP OBJECTS [Epoch Year] This is the year the rest of the element set is effective. Epoch year should be entered in the range of 1987 to 2001. 1225 1220 1230 SETUP OBJECTS [Epoch Day] This is the day and fraction of day the rest of the element set is effective. Enter this as a fractional number between 0.0 and 366.9999999. 1230 1225 1235 SETUP OBJECTS [Decay Rate] This is the rate of decay of the orbital period due to atmospheric friction and other factors measured in terms of Rev/Day/Day. Enter this as a decimal number. It may be positive or negative. 1235 1230 1240 SETUP OBJECTS [Inclination] This describes the angle of the orbit plane in relationship to the plane of the earth's equator. Enter this as a decimal number of degrees between 0.0 and 360.0. 1240 1235 1245 SETUP OBJECTS [Right Ascension] This describes the point the sat- ellite crosses the equator from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere. Enter this as a decimal number of degrees between 0.0 and 360.0. 1245 1240 1250 SETUP OBJECTS [Eccentricty] This is a unitless number which describes the shape of the orbit. The closer to zero the number is, the closer to a perfect circle it is. Enter this as a decimal number between 0.0 and 0.999999. 1250 1245 1255 SETUP OBJECTS [Argument of Perigee] This is the number of degrees from the ascending node the perigee point occurs. Perigee is the point of closest approach to the earth. Enter this as a decimal number of degrees between 0.0 and 360.0. 1255 1250 1260 SETUP OBJECTS [Mean Anomaly] This number represents the angular distance from the perigee point to the satellite's mean position. Enter this as a decimal number of degrees between 0.0 and 360.0. 1260 1255 1265 SETUP OBJECTS [Mean Motion] This is the number of complete rev- olutions the satellite makes in 24 hours. Enter this as a decimal number between 0.0 and 20.0. 1265 1260 1270 SETUP OBJECTS [Revolution Number] This is the number of revolutions which have occurred since launch to the epoch time and date. Enter this as a whole number between 0 and 99999. 1270 1265 2000 SETUP OBJECTS [Base Frequency] This is the base transmitter freq- uency (in megahertz) used by the satellite. Enter whatever freq- uency is useful for you. The freq- uency displayed during tracking will reflect shifts in frequency resul- ting from doppler effects. Enter this as a real number between 0.0 and 9999.999999. 2000 1000 2100 TRACK The TRACK option is the heart of PC- TRACK. It computes and displays the tracking information for the satel- lite(s) selected and the current relationship to the observation point selected. In order to do any tracking, at least one object and one observation point must be defined using the SETUP option. 2100 2000 2130 TRACK [GRAPHICS] The GRAPHICS option displays graphically the computed data in 3D on a spherical projection of the earth or on mercator projection maps. Up to 8 satellites can be tracked simultaneously. This option begins with the user selecting the observa- tion point, satellites, map and globe view to use. During tracking, you may change the observation point and the map used to display satellite data. 2130 2100 2110 TRACK [GRAPHICS] SELECT OBSERVATION POINT The default observ. point defined in CONFIG SYSTEM will appear. To change this, simply press either the up or down arrow keys until the name of the desired observation point is shown. Then press RETURN. 2110 2130 2115 TRACK [GRAPHICS] SELECT MAP The default map defined in the CONFIG SYSTEM option will appear. This is done simply by pressing either the up or down arrow keys until the name of the desired map is shown. Then press RETURN. 2115 2110 2125 TRACK [GRAPHICS] SELECT GLOBE The default map defined in the CONFIG SYSTEM option will appear. This is done simply by pressing either the up or down arrow keys until the name of the desired map is shown. Then press RETURN. 2120 2110 2125 TRACK [GRAPHICS] SELECT OBJECTS TO TRACK The default objects selected in the CONFIG SYSTEM option will appear. To change these, simple do the following: Press UP or DOWN ARROWS until the name of the desired object is shown. [MORE - PGDN] 2125 2120 2200 TRACK [GRAPHICS] SELECT OBJECTS TO TRACK Press PGUP or PGDN to move the cursor to the next object slot. There are 8 slots available. Press HOME to remove the object in the current slot. Press RETURN when finished. 2200 2100 2205 TRACK [GRAPHICS] FUNCTION KEYS AVAILABLE [F1] HELP [F2] REAL TIME / FAST TRACK [F3] PAUSE TRACKING [F4] ENABLE/DISABLE PRINTER [F5] GRAPHICS SCREEN REFRESH [F6] GROUND TRACK SELECT [F7] SELECT NEW MAP/GLOBE VIEW [MORE KEYS - PGDN] 2205 2200 2207 TRACK [GRAPHICS] FUNCTION KEYS AVAILABLE [CTRL F7] CHANGE PROJECTION Spherical <-> Mercator [ALT F7] CHANGE SIZE Large/Small Maps or Globes [F8] SELECT NEW OBSERVER [F9] ENABLE/DISABLE AUTOMAP [MORE KEYS - PGDN] 2207 2200 2210 TRACK [GRAPHICS] FUNCTION KEYS AVAILABLE [F10] SET DOS CLOCK [LFT/RT/UP/DN ARROW KEYS] Sets Date,Time,Increment. [PGUP/PGDN] Selects object to print. [ESC] Quit Tracking. 2210 2200 2215 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [F2] - REAL TIME / FAST TRACK - Pressing F2 switches tracking modes from Real Time Mode (tracking according to the actual time of day and date) to Fast Track Mode (rapidly computing and dis- playing satellite information). The Fast Track mode enables the use of the arrow keys to change the date, time, and interval. 2215 2210 2220 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [F2] (Cont) With real time tracking, you can plot the actual current position of the satellites (assuming the date and time in your computer are properly set). With Fast Track you can look ahead or behind in time at the satellite paths. 2220 2215 2230 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [F3] - PAUSE - Pressing the F3 key causes all tracking to cease until you again press the F3 key. Remember: Press F3 to PAUSE and press it again to resume tracking. 2230 2220 2235 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [F4] - ENABLE PRINTER - Pressing the F4 will enable output to be sent to the printer while tracking. When used with the Fast Track mode (F2) it allows you to rapidly print orbital predictions. F4 operates like a "toggle". Pressing it enables the printer, pressing it again disables it. PRINTING CAN BE ENABLED ONLY IN FAST TRACK MODE. 2235 2230 2240 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [F5] - REFRESH GRAPHICS DISPLAY - Pressing the F5 key will cause the maps or globe view to be redrawn, clearing out any ground tracks or orbit tracks which may be there. This is useful when the display becomes cluttered from extended tracking with ground track (GT) enabled. 2240 2235 2245 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [F6] - GROUND TRACK - In the ground track mode, the path each satellite has taken is plotted by marking each point computed. There are 3 possible modes of ground track... DISABLED, IR, and CONT. When disabled, printouts print only points which are in range. 2245 2240 2250 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [F6] (cont.) The STATUS box will show: - G.T. (IR) - This leaves a ground track only when the satellite is in range. Causes printouts to print only points in range. - G.T.(C) - This leaves a ground track continuously. Causes print- outs to print all points. Pressing F6 once enables the IR mode. Pressing again enables the CONT mode. Pressing once again disbles ground track again. 2250 2245 2252 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [F7] - SELECT NEW MAP - (For mercator projections) This is done simply by pressing either the up or down arrow keys until the name of the desired map is shown. Then press either ESC to keep existing map or RETURN to select the new map. 2252 2250 2253 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [F7] - SELECT NEW GLOBE VIEW - (For spherical projections) This is done simply by pressing either the up or down arrow keys until the name of the desired globe view point is shown. Then press either ESC to keep existing map or RETURN to select the new view. 2253 2252 2255 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [CTRL F7] - CHANGE PROJECTION - Pressing this key changes the type of projection used to display the satellite position. If spherical then the satellite position will be displayed in 3D as viewed from far out in space over the equator at the longitude selected. Mercator projection used flat maps for position display. 2255 2252 2260 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [ALT F7] - CHANGE SIZE OF MAPS/GLOBES - Pressing this key changes the size of the current map or globe. If spherical projection is used, the 3D globe view will change size. If Mercator projection is used, the size of the map will change. Small maps allow use of the Azimuth/ Elevation chart and numerical posi- tion displays. 2260 2250 2270 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [F8] - SELECT NEW OBSERVER - This is done simply by pressing either the up or down arrow keys until the name of the desired observation point is shown. Then press either ESC to keep existing observer or RETURN to select the new observer. 2270 2260 2280 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [F9] - AUTOMAP - Pressing F9 will enable automatic selection of the map or globe view which the currently highlighted (selected) satellite is visible in. Pressing F9 again will disable this feature and continue tracking with the currently visible map or globe view. 2280 2270 2290 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [F10] - SET DOS CLOCK - This key will take the currently displayed date and time and set the DOS clock with them. This allows you to easily change the real time clock to a desired date and time. The date and time are changed by using the arrow keys. 2290 2280 2300 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [ARROW KEYS] - CHANGE DATE, TIME, INCREMENT - By using the Left and Right arrow keys, a highlighted cursor will move across the date, time, and interval. (Press the Left arrow key first if no portion is high- lighted.) 2300 2290 2310 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [ARROW KEYS] (cont.) The currently highlighted segment will increase when the Up arrow key is pressed and will decrease with the Down Arrow key. This feature is active in Fast Track only. 2310 2300 2320 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [ARROW KEYS] (cont.) It is useful to set the clock to a specific date and time and increment. It is used with F10 to set the DOS clock to a new time. By setting the increment to 00:00:00 and changing the time, it is possible to examine specific points in time at will. 2320 2310 2600 TRACK [GRAPHICS] [PGUP/PGDN] These keys select the object which will have its data sent to the printer if the printer is enabled by the F4 key. The selected object will be high- lighted with a different color than the rest of the objects. THESE KEYS WORK ONLY WHEN PRINTING IS DISABLED. 2600 2100 2610 TRACK [TEXT] The TEXT option displays the computed information on a text screen so that tracking can still be done on systems without EGA displays. The text track option also provides the capability to print the computed information on a printer. 2610 2600 2620 TRACK [TEXT] SELECT OBJECT TO TRACK The default object (object number 1) defined in the CONFIG SYSTEM option will appear. To change this, simply press either the up or down arrow keys until the name of the desired object is shown. Then press RETURN. 2620 2610 2630 TRACK [TEXT] SELECT OBSERVATION POINT The default observ. point defined in the CONFIG SYSTEM option appears. To change this, simply press either the up or down arrow keys until the name of the desired observation point is shown. Then press RETURN. 2630 2620 2700 TRACK [TEXT] PRINT ALL POINTS? If set to YES, then all computed points will be printed during tracking when the printer is enabled. Otherwise only the points which are visible to the observa- tion point will be printed. Selected by the up or down arrow keys. 2700 2630 2710 TRACK [TEXT] Functions available during track: [F1] HELP [F2] REAL TIME / FAST TRACK [F3] PAUSE TRACKING [F4] ENABLE/DISABLE PRINTING [F5] NOT USED [F6] NOT USED [F7] NOT USED [F8] NOT USED [F9] NOT USED [F10] SET DOS CLOCK [ESC] QUIT TRACKING 2710 2700 2715 TRACK [TEXT] [F2] - REAL TIME / FAST TRACK - Pressing F2 switches tracking modes from Real Time Mode (tracking according to the actual time of day and date) to Fast Track Mode (rapidly computing and dis- playing satellite information). The Fast Track mode enables the use of the arrow keys to change the date, time, and interval. 2715 2710 2720 TRACK [TEXT] [F2] (cont.) Real Time tracking computes the actual current position of the satellite (assuming the date and time in your computer are properly set). Fast Track allows you to predict forward or backward in time. This can be used with the printer by pressing F4 to print satellite orbital predictions ahead of time. 2720 2715 2730 TRACK [TEXT] [F3] - PAUSE - Pressing the F3 key causes all tracking to cease until you to press the F3 key again. Remember: Press F3 to PAUSE and press it again to resume tracking. 2730 2720 2780 TRACK [TEXT] [F4] - ENABLE PRINTER - Pressing the F4 will enable output to be sent to the printer while tracking. When used with the Fast Track mode (F2) it allows you to print orbital predictions. F4 operates like a "toggle". Pressing it enables the printer, pressing it again disables it. 2780 2730 2790 TRACK [TEXT] [F10] - SET DOS CLOCK - This key will take the currently displayed date and time and set the DOS clock with them. This allows you to easily change the real time clock to a desired date and time. The date and time are changed by using the arrow keys. 2790 2780 2795 TRACK [TEXT] [ARROW KEYS] - CHANGE DATE, TIME, INCREMENT - By using the Left and Right arrow keys, a highlighted cursor will move across the date, time, and interval. (Press the Left arrow key first if no portion is high- lighted.) 2795 2790 2797 TRACK [TEXT] [ARROW KEYS] (cont.) The currently highlighted segment will increase when the Up arrow key is pressed and will decrease with the Down Arrow key. This feature is active in Fast Track only. 2797 2795 3000 TRACK [TEXT] [ARROW KEYS] (cont.) It is useful to set the clock to a specific date and time and increment. It is used with F10 to set the DOS clock to a new time. By setting the increment to 00:00:00 and changing the time, it is possible to examine specific points in time at will. 3000 2000 3100 CONFIGURE With this option, you may change some of the various pieces of information (parameters) which control how the program operates. There are options available here: => SCREEN Screen colors parameters. => SYSTEM Defaults, paths, and measurement types. => PRINTER Printer control codes. 3100 3000 3110 CONFIGURE SCREEN With this option, you will be able to define all the screen colors used to display information on the screen. This way you can get the screen displays to look the way you want. This also makes it easy to adjust displays on monochrome monitors. You are able to see the effects of changes on the screen while you make them. You can make hanges to both the background and text colors with simple key strokes. 3110 3100 3111 CONFIGURE SCREEN (Key Commands) Information is displayed on the screen using 7 different categories for the text and background colors... - NORMAL - HIGHLIGHTED - DATA ENTRY - TITLE - SCREEN COLOR - SHADOW COLOR Only the combinations actually used are shown. The colors for both the background and text colors can be selected for each of these categories. 3111 3110 3112 CONFIGURE SCREEN (Key Commands) => SELECT TEXT COLOR CATEGORY Using the Left and Right arrow keys selects the category for text color changes. Current category is shown by a down arrow. => SELECT BACKGROUND CATEGORY Using the Up and Down arrow keys selects the category for background color changes. Current category is shown by a right arrow. 3112 3111 3200 CONFIGURE SCREEN (Key Commands) => CHANGE TEXT COLOR (F5) Pressing this key changes the color of the currently selected text category. There are 16 colors to choose from on a color monitor. => CHANGE BACKGROUND COLOR (F6) Pressing this key changes the color of the currently selected back- ground category. There are 2 sets of 8 identical colors. One set causes the text to be non-blinking and the other causes blinking text. 3200 3100 3210 CONFIGURE SYSTEM This option allows you to define the default observer, map, and objects used in the TRACK options. It also allows you to indicate where where on your system the program will find the files it needs to operate. You can also select what type of distance measurements (METRIC or ENGLISH) and time measurements (UTC or LOCAL). 3210 3200 3230 CONFIGURE SYSTEM (Defaults) SELECT DEFAULT OBSERVATION POINT This is done simply by pressing either the up or down arrow keys until the name of the desired observation point is shown. Then press RETURN. 3230 3210 3240 CONFIGURE SYSTEM (Defaults) SELECT DEFAULT MAP This is done simply by pressing either the up or down arrow keys until the name of the desired map is shown. When the desired one is found press RETURN. 3240 3230 3250 CONFIGURE SYSTEM (Defaults) SELECT DEFAULT GLOBE VIEW This is done simply by pressing either the up or down arrow keys until the name of the desired globe view is shown. The name represents the longitude of the globe view point on the equator. When the desired one is found press RETURN. 3250 3240 3260 CONFIGURE SYSTEM (Defaults) SELECT DEFAULT OBJECTS Press UP or DOWN ARROWS until the name of the desired object is shown. Press PGUP or PGDN to move the cursor to the next object slot. There are 8 slots available. Press HOME to remove the object in the current slot. Press RETURN when finished. 3260 3250 3265 CONFIGURE SYSTEM (Data Path) This line selects what disk drive and what subdirectory on that drive to use as the storage area for the data files it uses. It will be in the form of an MS-DOS path name. If you just want to indicate the B drive, just enter "B:" here. If you have the program on your hard disk and it is the C drive and you have a special subdirectory called "\TRACK\DATA", then you would enter "C:\TRACK\DATA" on this line. 3265 3260 3270 CONFIGURE SYSTEM (Data Path) NOTE: IF YOU ENTER AN INVALID PATH NAME (ONE THAT DOES NOT EXIST), THE PROGRAM TELL YOU SO. IF YOU CAN'T THINK OF ONE, JUST PRESS CTRL-X (THE CONTROL KEY AND THE X KEY AT THE SAME TIME). THIS WILL JUST CLEAR OUT WHAT YOU HAVE AND LEAVE IT BLANK. THIS WILL MEAN THE PROGRAM WILL LOOK IN THE DIRECTORY THAT IT IS LOCATED FOR THE DATA. 3270 3260 3275 CONFIGURE SYSTEM (MAP Path) This line selects what disk drive and what subdirectory on that drive to use for the maps it uses. It will be in the form of an MS-DOS path name. If you just want to indicate the B drive, just enter "B:" here. If you have the program on your hard disk and it is the C drive and you have a special subdirectory called "\TRACK\MAPS", then you would enter "C:\TRACK\MAPS" on this line. 3275 3270 3280 CONFIGURE SYSTEM (MAP Path) NOTE: IF YOU ENTER AN INVALID PATH NAME (ONE THAT DOES NOT EXIST), THE PROGRAM WILL TELL YOU SO. IF YOU CAN'T THINK OF ONE, JUST PRESS CTRL-X (THE CONTROL KEY AND THE X KEY AT THE SAME TIME). THIS WILL JUST CLEAR OUT WHAT YOU HAVE AND LEAVE IT BLANK. THIS WILL MEAN THE PROGRAM WILL LOOK IN THE DIRECTORY THAT IT IS LOCATED FOR THE DATA. 3280 3270 3290 CONFIGURE SYSTEM (Use Metrics?) This selects which type of measurement system to display dis- tances with. If METRIC then all distances are displayed in either METERS or KILO- METERS. If ENGLISH then they are displayed in either FEET or MILES (Statute). Use the INSERT key to change it. Press RETURN when done. 3290 3280 3300 CONFIGURE SYSTEM (Use UTC?) This tells the program whether or not to use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or Local Time for computing and displaying satellite data. If UTC, then all times and dates will be displayed in UTC time. If LOCAL, then the Local timezone de- fined in SETUP OBSERVERS will be used. Use the INSERT key to change it. Press RETURN when done. 3300 3200 3310 CONFIGURE PRINTER This option allows you to change the control codes sent to your printer to make it print the reports correctly. 3310 3300 3311 CONFIGURE SYSTEM (Printer Codes) Printer codes are sequences of special control characters sent to your printer. They are displayed and edited them from you as the decimal equiv- alents of each control character sep- arated by a slash (/). For example the ESC character has a decimal value of 27 so it is shown on the screen that way. Notice some print commands have a code sequence to turn it on and one to turn it off. Some codes do not need to be turned off. 3311 3310 4000 CONFIGURE SYSTEM (Printer Codes) Some printers may not be capable of printing certain features shown on the screen, in that case, leave the CODE TO TURN ON blank for that feature. You have up to 20 characters to define the turn-on or turn-off codes, including the slashes. You may move the cursor around on the screen to the desired code sequence by using the arrow keys or just pressing RETURN. 4000 3000 1000 QUIT This option allows you to quit the program and return to MS-DOS.